Today while I was zooming around, driving my mouse up and down the highways and byways of our information super-highway I ran across a Tweet from @O_Magazine that said "How to go from Granny to Goddess with $35". I'm not a "Granny" ... and I'm certainly not a "Goddess"... but it sparked my curiosity... so I clicked. Here is what I saw........ I know... its a puppy in a raincoat!!! LOL... I still don't know how to go from Granny to Goddess on 35 bucks...the page had nothing to do with Grannies or Goddesses .... the catchy title did its job though, it got me to click!
photo credit: Jens Mortensen as featured in the December 2009 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine. Wagwear Nylon Rainbreaker |
Now to you this may not seem so funny but it brought back some very funny memories of a dog I once had... and the rain coat I bought him!! Now... in my defense... this was PRE children and he was the Very 1st Dog I ever owned in my life!! I was 21 years old and his name was Rockie... a really awesome little Miniature Schnauzer... And of course... I spoiled him to pieces!! Why this particular picture struck me so funny is this is exactly how Rockie looked when I would put his cute little yellow rain coat on.... but he wouldn't move in it... he would stand perfectly still ... for as long as I left the raincoat on him! So even though he did not like the rain... I couldn't get him to walk and wear the rain coat at the same time... so going out for a potty break was just way too much for me to ask from the poor little guy!!
My daughter is now 21 years old and will be getting her very first puppy, Apollo, at the end of this month! She is already following in my footsteps.... Just the other day she told me she already has his personalized dog tags, a comfy harness, and a few other things to get him started!! I'm so happy for her and cant wait to see and hear all her funny doggie stories!!
Do you have a funny doggie story to share?? I'd love to hear it!
As always....
Love and Smile with your whole heart... you'll glow from the inside out!
~ Beth~
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